WCH: School Nursing: Healthcare Teams in the School Setting

Welcome to resources for Healthcare Teams in the School Setting. The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services received federal ELC funds to support COVID-19 screening testing for public and private K-12 schools during the 2021-22 school year. Funding will be available to LEAs and charter schools to hire temporary school health staff to support testing related efforts and meet other school health needs.
These resources are designed to assist school health programs that choose to implement a team approach using a variety of staffing. It may have been some time since a school nurse has had experience working with LPNs or other unlicensed staff in a team structure. These resources will provide guidance on job descriptions, possible job duties by level of licensure and scope of practice, and differences in the hiring process dependent upon whether staff are hired directly or contracted through a staffing agency. Related resources are available below.
- Staffing Healthcare in Schools
- Staffing Healthcare in Schools for COVID-19
- Contract vs. Direct Hire of ELC Staff
- Staff Job Description Components
- Healthy Schools - School Nurse Training
Last Modified: 01-17-2023