North Carolina Cancer Prevention and Control Branch

North Carolina Comprehensive Cancer Control Program

Resource Hub

Welcome to the NC Comprehensive Cancer Control Program Resource Hub!

This resource hub provides easy-to-read educational tools that can be used with clients, customers, and general community. The tools offer messages to help equip someone to make informed decisions and take action on good health practices. The resource hub provides simple tips, steps, and ways to access screenings and support resources. The tools can be downloaded and copied in color or black and white and shared at community outreach events, with patients/clients, added to a special program/service or used to learn more on a topic.

These free resources can be requested by completing the order form at the bottom of this page. Please allow four weeks for materials to be delivered. If you want more information, please call 919.707.5300.

NC Cancer Action Resource Toolkit

The Living Healthy to Be There NC Cancer Action Resource Toolkit has resources starting with cancer prevention and going through cancer survivorship. It promotes personal health action plans, survivorship care plans, cancer facts and tips for living healthy to be there for important moments.

It also includes The North Carolina Comprehensive Cancer Control ACTION Plan, cancer data and statistics, provider resources, promotional tools, cancer survivorship resources, steps on how to connect with new partners and much more.

These free resources can be ordered by completing the order form at the bottom of this page. Please allow four weeks for materials to be delivered. If you want more information, please call 919.707.5300.

NC Cancer Action Plan, NC Cancer Burden Report and Supporting Documents Toolkit

NC Health Journal Resource Toolkit
Updated 1/2023
Women's Health Checkbook Guide Updated 1/2023
My Unexpected Journey Updated 1/2023
Men's Playbook (Spanish) Updated 1/2023
Women's Health Checkbook (Spanish) Updated 1/2023
My Unexpected Journey (Spanish) Updated 1/2023

Not available on order form. Download only.

Not available on order form. Download only.

Not available on order form. Download only.

Not available on order form. Download only.

Not available on order form. Download only.

Not available on order form. Download only.

Not available on order form. Download only.

Not available on order form. Download only.

Not available on order form. Download only.

For more resources to reduce tobacco use and exposure to secondhand smoke, visit

Additional NC cancer data and statistics are available at NC SCHS: Statistics and Reports: Cancer. Contact the Central Cancer Registry with questions about these or other cancer data in North Carolina.

NC Access to Support Services

The North Carolina Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Program (NC BCCCP) provides free or low-cost breast and cervical cancer screenings and follow-up to eligible women in North Carolina. NC BCCCP providers can help women who qualify for NC BCCCP apply for Breast and Cervical Cancer Medicaid (BCCM) to cover breast and cervical cancer treatment costs. Each year, NC BCCCP strives to provide services to over 12,000 women.

NC BCCCP services are offered at most local health departments as well as some community health centers, hospitals and private physicians’ offices across the state for eligible North Carolina women.

The North Carolina Well-Integrated Screening and Evaluation for Women Across the Nation (NC WISEWOMAN) Project provides cardiovascular disease screening, intervention, counseling and referral services to women eligible for the North Carolina Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Program (NC BCCCP). NC WISEWOMAN Project mission is to provide low-income, underinsured, or uninsured 40- to 64-year-old women with the knowledge, skills, and opportunities to improve their diet, physical activity, and other life habits to prevent, delay, or control cardiovascular and other chronic diseases.

NCCARE360 helps providers electronically connect those with identified needs to community resources and allow for feedback and follow up. NCCARE360 provides resources in all 100 counties across North Carolina. Navigating services like health, housing, employment, and transportation can be difficult, but these factors all contribute to our overall health. NCCARE360 provides the opportunity for health and community-based organizations to make electronic referrals, communicate in real time, securely share client information, and track outcomes together.

The resource materials can be ordered by downloading the NC Cancer Resource Toolbox Order Form then submit by:

For more information call (919) 707-5300.

Last Modified: 07-21-2023