NC Cancer Prevention and Control Branch
NC Advisory Committee on Cancer Coordination and Control

The North Carolina Advisory Committee on Cancer Coordination and Control (ACCCC) is a legislatively mandated committee comprised of 34 members, including but not limited to representatives from the Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Public Instruction, NC legislators, NC medical schools, the Cancer Committee of the NC Medical Society, Old North State Medical Society, NC Hospital Association, NC Association of Local Health Directors, Medical Directors of the NC Association of Health Plans, clinicians, and cancer survivors. The ACCCC meets twice a year. Members serve a four-year term.
The mission of the Advisory Committee is to facilitate the reduction of cancer incidence and mortality for all North Carolinians, enhance statewide access to quality treatment and support services, and maximize quality of life for all North Carolina cancer survivors, patients, and their loved ones through educating and advising government officials, policy makers, public and private organizations, and the public.
Advisory Committee Resources
- 2021 Meeting Dates
- November 19, 2021 at 9:00 am – Advisory Committee Business Meeting & Subcommittee Meeting Day
- Bylaws (PDF, 195 KB)
- Cancer Screening Position Statements
- Breast (PDF, 212 KB)
- Cervical (PDF, 263 KB)
- Colorectal (PDF, 232 KB)
- Prostate (PDF, 149 KB)
- General Statute for NC ACCCC (PDF, 209 KB)
- Minutes (Approved) (PDF, 223 KB)
- Roster (PDF, 158 KB)
- Subcommittee Information (PDF, 192 KB)
Each subcommittee develops and implements strategies to address the six NC priority cancers (breast, cervical colorectal, lung, prostate, melanoma and non-melanoma skin) in the NC Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan 2014-2020: A Call to Action (State Cancer Plan). The overarching purpose of the Cancer Plan is to reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with cancer in our state. The subcommittees on various issues listed below.
The Prevention Subcommittee promotes healthy behaviors and environments that reduce the risk of developing cancer. Areas include, but are not limited to: appropriate cancer screenings, nutrition, physical activity, tobacco use, secondhand smoke exposure, radon testing and mitigation, ultraviolet radiation, chemoprevention, and genetic testing.
Early Detection
The Early Detection Subcommittee works to expand the use of proven cancer-related early detection modalities and appropriate follow-up abnormalities. Areas include, but are not limited to: cancer screenings, follow-up for screenings, access to screenings, and high-risk individuals.
Care and Treatment
The Care and Treatment Subcommittee address a continuum of services from cancer diagnosis to treatment, care, survivorship, and palliative care. Areas include, but are not limited to: identify and reduce financial, geographic, and other barriers to cancer diagnosis, treatment, and heath care services, as well as pain control, patient navigation, and survivorship.
Evaluation, Surveillance and Research
The Evaluation, Surveillance and Research Subcommittee reviews and monitors the effectiveness of NC ACCCC projects in meeting the goals and objectives of the State Cancer Plan. These committee members are placed in the other subcommittees to provide technical assistance and consultation to evaluate strategies implemented by the subcommittees. There is evaluation of partners activities and participation. Additionally, there is surveillance in the monitoring and review of the data regarding the health of the populations. The committee members research and provide data for the State Cancer Plan and State Cancer Burden document.
Legislation and Education
The Legislation and Education Subcommittee is made up of legislators and Advisory Committee members who assist in providing guidance and support in obtaining policy/legislation passage and funding for cancer control in North Carolina. Members support legislation that promotes and/or funds cancer prevention, screening and control. Additionally, members review current best science and practices to prepare appropriate cancer screening position statements and present proposals to the Advisory Committee for approval.
Cancer Branch Information
- Breast Cancer
- Cancer Branch Home Page
- Caregiving
- Cervical Cancer
- Colorectal Cancer
- Contact Us
- COVID-19 Resources
- Data
- Health Equity
- Lung Cancer
- NC Advisory Committee on Cancer Coordination and Control
- NC Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Program
- NC Comprehensive Cancer Control Program
- NC Comprehensive Cancer Control Program Resource Hub
- Online Resources
- Prostate Cancer
- Skin Cancer
- Survivorship
- Treatment
Last Modified: 09-01-2023