North Carolina Cancer Prevention and Control Branch

The purpose of the Cancer Prevention and Control Branch is to reduce the overall cancer burden in North Carolina. This is accomplished by:
- Planning, directing, and supporting cancer prevention and control efforts through collaborative work with partners in local, state, and national organizations, and universities;
- Reducing the number of people who get and die from breast and cervical cancers and cardiovascular disease by providing testing and follow‐up services for uninsured and underinsured women in North Carolina;
- Identifying opportunities to promote healthy behaviors related to eating, exercising, not using tobacco products, and safe environments; and
- Recommending health education activities for everyone.
Cancer Branch Programs
The Cancer Prevention and Control Branch consist of three programs that work to ensure a
comprehensive and collaborative approach to addressing the state’s cancer burden.
North Carolina Comprehensive Cancer Control Program (NC CCCP)
The North Carolina Comprehensive Cancer Control Program (NC CCCP) assesses the burden of cancer,
works with an advisory committee to determine priorities, and implement and evaluate a cancer
prevention and control plan for the state. NC CCCP is working in communities to:
- Promote healthy lifestyles and recommended cancer testing;
- Educate people about symptoms of cancer;
- Increase access to quality cancer treatment and care; and
- Enhance cancer survivors' quality of life.
Colorectal Cancer and NC Colorectal Cancer Roundtable (CRC)
Colorectal Cancer and NC Colorectal Cancer Roundtable (NC CRCRT) of NCCCP address strategies defined in the NC Comprehensive Cancer Control Plan. Statewide efforts focus on education and promotion of healthy behaviors to help reduce the cancer burdens. Programs and services help to: develop and use strategic, effective, tailored messaging and media campaigns with other strategies to support healthy behaviors and reduce risk factors; partner with public and private healthcare providers and community leaders to increase cancer awareness; increase cancer screenings, focus on people with high risk of developing cancer and limited access to screenings.
North Carolina Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Program (NC BCCCP)
The North Carolina Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Program
(NC BCCCP) provides free or low‐cost breast and cervical cancer tests and follow‐up to
eligible women in North Carolina. Each year, NC BCCCP strives to provide services to over 12,000
women. NC BCCCP services are offered at most local health departments as well as some community
health centers, hospitals and private physicians’ offices across the state.
North Carolina Well‐Integrated Screening and Evaluation for Women Across the Nation Project (NC WISEWOMAN Project)
The North Carolina Well‐Integrated Screening and
Evaluation for Women Across the Nation Project provides cardiovascular disease testing,
counseling and referral services to NC BCCCP enrolled women. NC WISEWOMAN services are offered
along with NC BCCCP services at 31 local health departments and community health centers across
the state.
Cancer Branch Information
- Breast Cancer
- Cancer Branch Home Page
- Caregiving
- Cervical Cancer
- Colorectal Cancer
- Contact Us
- COVID-19 Resources
- Data
- Health Equity
- Lung Cancer
- NC Advisory Committee on Cancer Coordination and Control
- NC Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Program
- NC Comprehensive Cancer Control Program
- NC Comprehensive Cancer Control Program Resource Hub
- Online Resources
- Prostate Cancer
- Skin Cancer
- Survivorship
- Treatment
Last Modified: 09-20-2023