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2013 Ronald H. Levine Legacy Award

Bill Pully receives the 2012 Ron Levine Legacy Award
Pam Silberman, JD, Dr.PH, (center) receives the Ron Levine Legacy
Award from the State Health Director, Dr. Laura Gerald, MD, MPH,
(left) and DHHS Secretary Aldona Wos, M.D., at the 2013 State
Health Director’s Conference.

Pam Silberman, JD, Dr.PH, was honored as the 2013 recipient of the Ronald Levine Legacy Award in recognition of her lifetime of contributions to public health in North Carolina. Named for former North Carolina State Health Director Dr. Ron Levine, the annual award honors individuals whose work and commitment on behalf of the public’s health has resulted in significant, sustainable and positive improvements to health and quality of life in North Carolina.

Dr. Silberman is the president and CEO of the North Carolina Institute of Medicine (NCIOM). She has served in this role since 2005, and served as vice president from 1999-2005. The NCIOM convenes diverse task forces to study important health issues facing the state. Dr. Silberman is currently working on task forces to develop a rural health action plan, to increase the use of preventive dental services for children eligible for Medicaid or NC Health Choice, and to reduce early childhood obesity. She recently helped staff different workgroups to identify the decisions the state must make to implement the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

State Health Director Laura Gerald, MD, MPH, noted Silberman's record of achievement in expanding the scope of public health services and programs as well as enhancing public health capacity through policy development and collaboration with the private sector. "Dr. Silberman is and continues to be successful in making an enduring contribution to North Carolina's state and local public health system," said Gerald.

Dr. Silberman graduated with a doctorate in public health from the UNC School of Public Health in December in 1997. She obtained her law degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1981, and her bachelor’s degree in political science and psychology from the University of Illinois, Urbana, in 1977. 

Dr. Silberman was presented the award at the State Health Director's conference on January 24, 2013 in Raleigh. The annual event convenes state and local health officials from across the state.






Updated: January 28, 2019