Adolescent Health Resource Center: For Youth-Serving Professionals

- Office of Adolescent Health Adolescent Health Library (US HHS)
- Adolescence and Important Information for Healthcare Professionals
- Creating a Youth-Friendly Office
- Screening Tools (age ranges specified by tool)
- HEADDS Assessment and Tips for Interviewing Teens
- Adolescent Development (webinar)
- Young Teens (informational)
- Teens (informational)
- Adolescent Mental Health Care: Resources for Youth-Serving Professionals
- American Academy of Pediatrics
- Bright Futures
- Clinical Preventive Services Guidelines for Adolescents (CPSG-ADOL)*: A supplemental document to the Summary, providing more detail about which screening tests should be used and which risk factors to look for.
- Summary of Clinical Preventive Services Guidelines for Adolescents (CPSG-ADOL Summary)*: A one-page document summarizing all recommendations, that can be printed easily and referred to during clinical practice.
- Dating Matters: Understanding Teen Dating Violence Prevention: A free 60-minute interactive training for educators, school personnel, youth mentors and others interested in improving teen health.
- Healthcare Transition
- It’s OK 2 Ask - Youth suicide prevention website
- LGBT Resources
- Mental Health Care Guides - Easy-to-read manuals for providers on how to recognize, assess, and address pediatric mental health issues.
- NC Health Equity Impact Assessment Tool
- North Carolina Pediatric Access Line (NC-PAL) - Telephone consultation for pediatric health care providers to address the mental health needs of children and adolescents. Consultation services are available to care providers in Person, Granville, Vance, Warren, Franklin, and Halifax counties.
- Spark Trainings - Free, ready-to-use mini-trainings to improve adolescent-centered health practices including being youth friendly, identifying and supporting trafficked youth, and more.
- Suicide Prevention and Risk Best Practices
- Teaching Adolescents How to Use the Healthcare System
- Teen Health Services and One-on-One Time with a Healthcare Provider: An Infobrief for Parents
- The Teen Years Explained: A guide to healthy adolescent development - An interactive guide to help understand the normal physical, cognitive, emotional and social, sexual, identity formation, and spiritual changes that happen during adolescence and how adults can promote healthy development.
- Youth Suicide Prevention Plan
- CDC Teen Pregnancy Prevention for Healthcare Providers
- (NC DPH) Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiatives
Adolescent Health Resource Center
Last Modified: January 2, 2020