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ICD-10: Training

Public Health ICD-10 Trainings

These training modules are designed to be a “self-study” provided via webinar. The training is a PowerPoint presentation with audio recordings accessible at any time of the day via the internet. Under "Local Agency Training Materials", there are workbooks that are used in conjunction with the training modules.

Modules Duration

ICD 10 Basics

2.5 hrs.
Family Planning (PDF version, 200 KB) 1 hr.

Primary Care

2.5 hrs.
STD, HIV, CD (PDF version, 525 KB) 1.5 hrs.

Child Health/Health Check

2 hrs.

Behavioral Health (PDF version, 183 KB)

1 hr.
Maternal Health (PDF version, 249 KB) 1.5 hrs.

Women’s Health and BCCCP

1.5 hrs.

Local Agency Training Materials



CDSA Training

ICD-10 training specifically designed for CDSA staff is available through recorded webinars that are available at all times.  The training is broken into four independent training units available below.  Staff should review the description and training goals for each unit to determine the extent of training needed to perform their job functions.  Participants who take Units 2, 3 and/or 4 will need to have access to an ICD-10-CM code book or download the 2016 ICD-10-CM files from the CMS website. If an agency has multiple code books published in different years (e.g., 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015) any of the code books will be appropriate for these courses.

In addition to the webinars, below is an “ICD-10-CM Coding Training Workbook for CDSAs” that contains review questions, scenarios for staff to perform coding exercises, crossword puzzles and other resource materials. Participants are encouraged to print out materials relevant to the units they take.

Unit 1: General Overview

This 1 hour training (30 minute webinar; 30 minutes for completing quiz) will provide a general overview of ICD-10-CM to aid in understanding why the transition is necessary, the timeline for the transition to ICD-10-CM, and the changes to diagnostic codes. Participants will also learn about some tools that are available to aid in translating codes from ICD-9-CM to ICD-10-CM and vice versa.  This training is appropriate for all CDSA staff – clinical and administrative. Training goals are as follows:

  • Understand why the transition to ICD-10-CM is necessary
  • Understand the timeline for the transition
  • Understand the differences between ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM codes
  • Awareness of available translation tools.

Unit 2:  Using the ICD-10-CM Code Book/Online Version

This 2 hour training (1 hour webinar; 1 hour completing quiz and coding exercises) is specifically designed for staff in the CDSAs who may be responsible for assigning or looking up some simple ICD-10-CM diagnostic codes that are not included on the CDSA Common Diagnosis Reference List. Training goals are as follows:

  • Understand the structure of the ICD-10-CM Code Book and online resources
  • Understand how to look up diagnoses in the Alphabetical Index and verify the code in the Tabular List
  • Understand the coding conventions and coding guidelines
  • Demonstrate how to accurately assign ICD-10-CM codes to a CDSA scenario and some simple diagnoses.

Unit 3:  Using the CDSA Common Diagnosis Reference List

The CDSA Common Diagnosis Reference List will not be used so this training unit has been removed. Rather, several documents have been developed for CDSA staff for determining ICD-10 diagnosis codes appropriate for clients served in the CDSAs. There is also a document that explains the entry of ICD-10 diagnosis codes in HIS. The documents are as follows:

Unit 4:  ICD-10-CM Code Book Review of Relevant Chapters

Part 1

Part 2

This two part, 4 hour training (1.5 hours of webinar; 2.5 hours to complete quizzes and coding exercises) is specifically designed for a small number of clinical staff in the CDSAs who may be responsible for determining appropriate ICD-10-CM diagnostic codes that are not commonly encountered in the CDSAs. Before taking Unit 4, completion of Units 2 and 3 is highly encouraged. Training goals are as follows:

  • Develop a general understanding of the content of specific chapters in ICD-10-CM that have conditions relevant to CDSA clients
  • Understand any coding guidelines specific to chapters that are relevant for CDSA stakeholders
  • Demonstrate how to accurately assign ICD-10-CM codes to CDSA scenarios.  For this, you will be using both the CDSA Common Diagnosis Reference List and the ICD-10-CM code book.

Other CDSA Training Resources

Training Resources

Training Presentations

The presentations below are static PDFs without audio.
















Updated: August 24, 2017